Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Analyze The Production Capacity And Strategies of Panda & Mickey Compa

Question: Discuss about the Analyze The Production Capacity And Strategies of Panda Mickey Company. Answer: Introduction. The purpose of this report is to critically analyze the production capacity and strategies used by Panda Mickey Company. This company basically deals with manufacturing specialized toys and other children products. Recently, the company produced a new product for children so as to enlarge the market and generate more profits. The process involved high production cost and the company results to gather advice from middle level manager. The manager will help the company to implement a new corporate cost-cutting strategy. This kind of a technology will replace some personnel in specific areas of work. Therefore, the initiative faces a lot of resistance from these group which actually results to sever hostility. Therefore, this paper aims at analyzing the scenario facing Panda Mickey Company. Organization problem. The organizational problem facing Panda mickey is themanagement of workers based on the decisions made by the company. It is a requirement in the regulations governing the employees to hold ethical standards at workplace (Chopra, 2012). Therefore, employees of any particular company need to respect the decisions made by the management of the company regarding particular issues. However, in Panda Mickey Company, the employees failed to act ethically. Three causes of organization problem in the company. Just like many other companies, Panda Mickey Company face a lot of organization problems in the process of achieving the overall objectives of the company. These problems are closely associated to mechanisms applied by the company when planning, leading, organizing and controlling various aspects in the company (Arnold, 2010). To start with, the first problem arises from the production of a new product for children. This make the company to apply the new technology in some areas of work. This is basically going to replace the workers who initially worked in these department. Here, the problem is planning. The company failed to plan on the implications that are going to face these workers after replacement. Secondly, the other organization problem that arise leading (Kanungo Manuel, 2014). Themanagement of Panda Mickey is a bid weak in management. They dont have proper skill to make viable decisions and judgment on behalf of the company. Ideally, a well-organized and skilled make d ecisions and apply strategies that must be followed by the workers of that company however difficult they seem to be. However, in this company, difficulties arise when initiating new strategies. There is a perfect positive correlation between the resistance and how the management of the company operates. Lastly, the other organization problem facing the company is control. The resistance and hostility demonstrated by the workers of Panda Mickey Company is a clear indicator that the management lack skills to control the workers when crisis arise in workplace. It is purely a mandate of any management team to ensure the control of the workers is highly contained using all means possible. Otherwise the company will face problems that will result to negative impact in the company organization structure as well as financial crisis (Marylene, 2014). This is because, failure to control the workers completely make the operation of activities in the company difficult. The progress stops instantly when chaos and entropy lead the operation of the company. Therefore, for now Panda Mickey company need to put planning, leading, organizing and controlling as their first priorities so as to fully contain the current organizational problems that have affected the operations of the company. Critical underlying cause. In this particular scenario, the critical underlying cause of the above organizational problems is the relationship between technology and its effects to the workers. One fact is that technology is part of daily operations that need to be applied by any company. There are a lot of advantages that are associated to the proper use of technology available. However, in this scenario, the company aim at applying this technology as a cost-cutting strategy (Maslow, 2013). On the hand, the technology will replace the workers in some departments in the company. For the company, this is a good strategy because it is a cost-cutting strategy. On the side of the workers, it is a bad technology because they will be replaced hence losing their jobs. In summary, the critical underlying cause is based on workers who need to protect their jobs. Analysis of most likely cause. It is important for the management to realize that this is a very serious problem that is going to affect many developments of Panda Mickey Company. This problem need to be solved so as to avoid the company from making losses (McGregor, 2012). If the company fail to operate due to these crisis, a gap may exist in the market and this will favor the competition by having the competitive advantage. Hence, this problem, need to be solved to save the reputations of the company and the workers. Possible solutions. When crisis arise in any organization, the best thing to do is to look for long lasting solutions. Therefore, this part aim at putting forward three possible solutions facing Panda Mickey Company. First, the company need to have proper planning when initiating strategies. In this scenario, it is very clear that the management of this company did not have proper planning due to the demonstrations that resulted from the initiation of the corporate strategy (Richard, 2013). The company needed to notify the workers on the impact of the technology in the daily operations of the company. This would have made the workers to fully understand the importance of the underlying technology. The possible solution here is to retain the workers by shifting them to other areas of work. The next solution is based on control. The management need to control the anger of the workers. The resistance and hostility demonstrate the fact that the workers are not satisfied with the strategy under consideration. Therefore, the company need to check the profit statement of the company and offer a compensation plan to all the workers the technology aims to replace (Baily, Farmer Crocker, 2015). This will be a good deal to these workers rather than sending them home empty handed. This solution is likely to help the company to initiate this strategy and ensure a win-win situation. Lastly, the possible solution would involve organizing and leading, this implies that, the company may reveal the strategy on the application of the technology. Panda Mickey Company has a lot branches in the city. These branches may also need this technology. Therefore, instead of replacing the workers, the company may train the workers on how to apply this technology in achieving the best returns to the company (Ballantyne, 2007). All the online stores need to be fully empowered by giving the workers affected by the technology. The company will be able to solve the underlying problem without affecting the reputations of the company and the workers. Environmental factors and the solutions. There are two environmental factors that impact the underlying cause. First, the pollution that can result from the production process. Many companies in the manufacturing sector use technology that may affect the environment during manufacturing. If this technology is not friendly to the environment, then there is any reason that workers should resist the initiation. Secondly, many companies use fuel from the surrounding environment. The technology may result to environmental degradation as they try to stress the available resources in the environment so as to meet the requirements of the technology. The solutions to these factors are very important. The company need to satisfy the environmental reservation agency that their technology is environmental friendly (Ryan Deci, 2017). If this is not so, then the company need to provide mechanisms to dispose any wastes to the environment in a way that will not have negative impacts to the environment. Most appropriate solution. The most appropriate solution that the company need to adopt is a win-win situation. The workers need to be satisfied about their reputations as well as the company (Bragg, 2015). For the workers, the company can shift them to other departments in various cities in Australia where the company operate. Again, the company need to offer a compensation plan to those workers to be replaced by the technological strategy. Recommendations. The management of Panda Mickey failed to plan on the reputation of the workers to be replaced by application of technology due to its management negligence and risks of uncertainty. Thus, to have a clear vision and direction for Panda Mickey two recommendations will be made. The company need to reconsider their initiation procedure before applying the underlying strategy. The workers need to be consulted on their view about the technology. If the company reach into an agreement, them all the application to this decision must apply to both the company and the workers (Thomas, 2009). Otherwise, we recommend a win-win situation between the company and the workers to avoid poor performance of the company. The company need to benchmark the scenario from other companies who faced similar problem in the past. This will help the company to critically analyze their current situation. Panda Mickey Company may enact the solutions applied by those companies or generate better solutions concerning this problem. References. Arnold, J. (2010). Coaching Skills for Leaders in the Workplace: How to Develop, Motivate and Get the Best from Your Staff. How to Books. Baily, P., Farmer, D., Crocker, B. (2015). Procurement, Principle Management. Pearson publishers. Ballantyne, T. (2007). Capacity. Spectra. Bragg, S.M. (2015). Accounting for Inventory. Accounting Tools. Chopra, S. (2012). Supply Chain Management. Pearson Education. Kanungo, R.N., Manuel, M. (2014). Work Motivation: Models for Developing Countries. Sage Publication put. Marylene, G. (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Work Engagement, Motivation and Self-Determination Theory. OUP USA. Maslow, A.H. (2013). A Theory of Human Motivation. 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